Sponsored Content Client Success Story

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When businesses come to us wanting to purchase sponsored content, typically, this means they want a better way to tell customers how much they care and how the products or services they sell will solve their problems. 

Within the story, it’s important to show empathy and authority. Empathy is important because you want your customers to know that you care. That you understand how frustrating their problem is to them. If you don’t show empathy, it can give the illusion that you only care about making the sale. You need to invest in your customers. 

Showing authority is just as important. You need to show them that you’re best suited to solve their problem. That your product or service will get them to the other end of stress and uncertainty; to confidence and clarity. 

We interview the clients of our customers for the sponsored stories to highlight a clients’ journey and help other potential customers see themselves experiencing success as well.

If you want to connect with us to learn more about sponsored content, the process is simple:

  1. Fill out a contact form on our website.
  2. We call you.
  3. We’ll discuss sponsored content options. 

Fill out the web form to get started.

Sponsored content helps build your company’s brand awareness so that the moment customers have a problem (related to your business), your business is first to come to mind to help solve the problem. 

If you don’t work with us, your customers could potentially not know what you do or how you could solve their problems. 

Once you get your first sponsored content article out and clients start seeing the work you do for your customers, readers will feel like they know you on a deeper level. This can then open up new opportunities for your business. 

A great example of a recent sponsored article we worked on with First Federal Community Bank. The photo above shows the exact statistics of this post when we shared it on our Facebook page alone. 

First Federal Community Bank reached 11,825 people, received 1,014 engagements, received 175 reactions, comments and shares and got 839 clicks on this post alone.  

Not only are you able to reach all of our readers with sponsored content on our website, but you can also boost your posts on our Richland Source Facebook platform where you can reach 25,000+ people.  

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