Email is so important and a big part of marketing today because whether you have one email address or a few, you have access to them 24/7 through your cell phone. Which also means that the target audience you are trying to reach is plugged in throughout the day, too. Do you want to…
Keep reading “Why Should you Use Email Marketing?”Who still uses email marketing, you may ask? Whether you believe it or not, most organizations use it! Email marketing is a great way to promote a current discount, new items or even an event! You know when you’re online shopping and the site asks that you enter in your email address? And a few…
Keep reading “What We’ve Learned From Email Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts.”What comes to mind when you think of email marketing? For some, it feels like the “old school” of digital, given all of the advancements in social media marketing and overall digital advertising and many still wonder if email marketing still works. Old school or not, email marketing still produces the highest ROI for businesses…
Keep reading “Email Marketing is Not Dead”