It’s your first impression. Your one chance to introduce yourself. You’ve got them curious. Someone finally asked, “So what do you do?” Now what? It’s in this moment that we all know: The way you talk about your business really matters. When most of us get this question the answer often goes one of three…
Keep reading “Create a Clear One-Liner For Your Business”business marketing
Simply put, sponsored content is an advertisement paid for by a company or business to get their message across and call the reader to action. It tells a story in order to sell a product, service or idea to a general audience. These stories are formatted very similarly to traditional news stories, with quotes from…
Keep reading “How To Gain New Customers For Any Business With Sponsored Content”Problem: Richland Academy needed to fill classes for the Fall semester and struggled due to the challenges of COVID-19. A lot of facilities are still practicing remote learning and not even doing in person classes. Solution: We ran a series of Facebook ad campaigns between August – October, 2020 to drive class registration. Result: Overall,…
Keep reading “Client Success Story Using a Facebook Ad Campaign”Adam, our Digital Marketing Director, runs Google Ad campaigns regularly and weighed in on how they can impact a business. What are they? What are their importance? How should you, as a small business start incorporating them into your marketing tactic? What are Google Ads? On the search engine results page, the top 2-3 results…
Keep reading “Getting started with Google Ads”Technology is something that is constantly evolving. Whether we like it or not, technology continues to advance year after year. Why does this matter? Because the internet is used all day, everyday by people all over the world. Whether we’re on a smartphone, tablet, laptop—we all have constant access to the web. Which means these…
Keep reading “Why You Need a Website That Works”Marketing and advertising today is incredibly complex thanks to the ever-changing flow of digital. Business owners are approached by countless companies with a great opportunity you simply can’t miss! Those opportunities could very well be great. However, unless you have taken the time to think through who you are as a business, who your people…
Keep reading “Local Business Discovers the Power of Marketing Strategy”